Personal Progress- Faith

1. Correlation between faith and prayer:

Praying twice a day is helping me align my will with the Fathers. I feel more supported in my efforts. Instead of feeling guilty for not giving 100% all day long, prayer makes me feel more readily that Heavenly Father is actually on my side, ready to hep me reach my potential.

2. Qualities a woman needs in order to teach children to have faith and base their decisions on gospel truths:

First, a woman needs to have a strong testimony of these things herself. As I puts my trust in God, experience tender mercies in response to my display of faith, my convictions will be strengthened. Those strong convictions are noticeable by those around me, especially my children. Another quality that would benefit is the art of sharing one’s testimony. I need to possess the clarity of mind to be able to share my feelings about various gospel principles. This should happen often throughout the day. Being able to pull myself out of distraction to take these opportunities as they present themselves….that is what I need to work on.

3. How has faith helped me live a gospel principle: 

I have needed to apply my faith in my Heavenly Father as I pay tithing. It has not always been an easy decision for me, and I haven’t noticed any huge miracle as a result of my paying tithing. However, I have relied on my faith that Heavenly Father knows that imparting of my substance is for my own good.

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